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Results for “weather”

Somewhere that’s green

Winter creates a magic moment every time it snows. The world falls silent. The landscape is transformed by a blanket of white. The mundane and grimy is suddenly covered in sparkles and beauty.

Spring and summer rarely see that type of sudden transformation. You can feel it perhaps in the golden hour or just after a summer shower. But you don’t get the feeling of entering a different, magical world.

Except for one special day.

Boston had a terrible long, – seemingly endless – winter. Even last week jackets and coats were the norm. The mercury said it should... More


I’ve been through four hurricanes and countless Nor’easters.

I spent my first day in Boston sitting inside an apartment watching “Law & Order” reruns as Superstorm Sandy blew through. In 2009, a strong three-day Nor’easter left several feet of water in the basement of my co-op. That was a pain.

But I’ve never seen anything quite like the past few weeks in Boston.

Those other storms showed up to plague people for a few hours or even a day, but they moved on. Boston’s insane weather the past few weeks has given us snow every weekend. And... More