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Results for “Jekyll”

How to do a Medium-style read-time estimate in Jekyll

Medium has brought some interesting ideas to the idea of reading as user experience. Among them: estimated reading time.

A developer or designer using Jekyll who wants to add a Medium-style reading time estimate to a blog template will likely find that accomplishing this a simple matter of getting Jekyll to do some math and output the result – sorta.

The reading time equation is the number of words divided by typical reading speed of words per minute. The only catch is that Jekyll’s math syntax is a bit uglier than syntax used in programming languages such as... More

Steal this site

Some time this week, some items changed in a database that controls Internet domains and this site quietly made a major technical shift.

It all went well enough that probably no one really noticed a difference. I did take the opportunity to make a few design tweaks here and there that some might notice. But the change to the site is all on the back end.

I’m calling this version Snow Leopard.

For about the last 10 years, my site has been published using Movable Type. It did its job quietly and competently, but as a technology it... More