I’m David Putney. I’m a UI/UX designer and front-end developer. Before that, I worked in newspapers in the U.S. and overseas for about 20 years.
I live in the Silicon Slopes area of suburban Salt Lake City. It’s a lovely place, as you can see from the header images on this site. I spend a lot of time hiking in the surrounding Wasatch Mountains.
I like to make stuff. That has been a constant in my career. I’m a senior designer at a digital design and development agency in Boston. I do UX/UI and visual design, prototyping, UX testing, agile, – all that and more – for clients both large and small. I also love to build what I design – this site you are currently reading, for instance. As such I am proficient in HTML, CSS and JavaScript – and some React and React Native.
Before all this, I worked as a print designer and editor for newspapers in Michigan, suburban Chicago, The U.S. Virgin Islands and Norfolk, Va. While in Norfolk, was co-founder of a popular, award-winning – yet tragically doomed – daily newspaper. After its demise, I moved to the web, first as a news producer and later I designed and built several websites for a large Boston-area media company.
As mentioned, davidputney.com is my own development work, so I accept both blame and praise. Through the years I’ve built more than a few versions of Davidputney.com. This is probably the sixth or seventh since 1999. I call this the “circa 2020” version. To be honest, it’s getting a little long on the tooth. The source code – particularly the JS – needs a refactor that I’m not really willing to do right now.
For the font geeks out there, the script font in the header is Lavenderia, the sans-serif headline font is Ginger and the body copy is set in Droid serif.
This site also contains a blog. I write here about various topics of interest to me – although based on page impressions – not to a lot of other people. Any views expressed here both right and wrong are my own and not of my employer(s), both current or former.